
Patrick Johannet: Cannage & Paillage d'Art

Art caning and mulching Gargas 84400 France

Company created the 1st of July 1978, complete restoration of all mulched parts as well as caned restoration and creation of seats.

"The tradition strand by strand ..."
Patrick Johannet insists on keeping the tradition alive. This strand by strand braid the foundations and gives pride back to aging seats. He practices ancient technics with privilege of sustainable quality ... "
- Article published in Art & Decoration - May 2001

Restoration of straw rattan cane seats, seats of cabinet
Specialization of cane at the ankle, single and double caning
Caning in the sun and the rising sun. Mulches very fine breeding grounds near the strand segment, cob, pentagonal, for splices in mottling.
Cabinet making. The frame must be properly restored. The assembly must be precise, stuck with the fish glue, and all shaping wood frame in good condition or restored. Packed beds made of straw or finely crafted cane is a sustainable solution.


Mulching is the gainer BEYOND rye straw or rice around a braided rope, consisting of licks (marsh hay) or raffia. Several frames can be performed under the names of mulch as in the Italian X or as advanced in Lyon, among others. The seat can be embellished by straws with various colors, forms and original designs.


There are a number of cane from the Asian culture, caning full checkerboard or many forms of damask, caning openwork Daisy for example. The weaving technique used for European furniture caning is called French or marquise. Appearing in the seventeenth century, it is the weaving of six strands of bark of rattan (cane), forming regular octagons. In the eighteenth century with the invention of single and double caning at the ankle, decorating blanks and records of chairs, couches or beds, French caning gained noble reputation.

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